High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
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bomba centrífuga de conexão direta revestida a teflon ihf-d

bomba centrífuga de conexão direta revestida a teflon ihf-d

A bomba centrífuga forrada com flúor ihf-d é um produto aprimorado da bomba centrífuga forrada com flúor ihf. O que é mais resistente a ácidos do que

IHF- large flow acetic acid chemical centrifugal pump is sent to a factory in the Netherlands.


According to customer requirements, the color of the pump body and base is yellow, beautiful appearance, acid and alkali resistance and high temperature resistance, can transport part of the particles.

Model: IHF-100-80-125 flow: 1.7-100m3/h head: 20m Power: 1.5kW-11kw.

Selection of mechanical seal material for centrifugal pump:

Mechanical seal friction pair material, according to statistics, about 80% of mechanical seal leakage is caused by seal face friction pair. In addition to keeping the seal parallel, it is mainly the material problem of the friction pair.
The friction pair material of mechanical seal shall have the following conditions:

  • 1. High mechanical strength, able to withstand pressure and pressure deformation.

  • 2. It has dry wear resistance, high load resistance and good self-lubrication.

  • 3. The running-in property of the paired materials is good, and there is no excessive wear and dual corrosion.

  • 4. Good wear resistance and long life.

  • 5. Good thermal conductivity and heat dissipation.

  • 6. Good high temperature resistance.

  • 7. Good resistance to hot cracking.

  • 8. Strong corrosion resistance.

  • 9. Small coefficient of linear expansion, good thermal deformation resistance and dimensional stability.

  • 10. Good machinability and formability.

  • 11. Good air tightness.

  • 12. Low density.

Comprehensive measurement of friction pair materials, it is generally believed that: its thermal conductivity and self-lubricity are very good, should be considered first, strong oxidizing medium, ceramic materials, medium containing particles, hard-to-hard friction pair materials, such as tungsten carbide, strong corrosive medium, should be filled with polytetrafluoroethylene-ceramics and so on.


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