High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
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bomba centrífuga de conexão direta revestida a teflon ihf-d

bomba centrífuga de conexão direta revestida a teflon ihf-d

A bomba centrífuga forrada com flúor ihf-d é um produto aprimorado da bomba centrífuga forrada com flúor ihf. O que é mais resistente a ácidos do que

A batch of stainless steel magnetic pumps and stainless steel centrifugal pumps are exported to Indonesia



Medium Transported:Naoh,seawater

The stainless steel magnetic pump and stainless steel centrifugal pump produced by Teflow pump valve are made of high quality stainless steel, which can effectively resist the corrosion of acid, alkali and organic solvent, without leakage and high efficiency. Non-standard products can be customized for free production, export quality, fast delivery, global after-sales service.

stainless steel magnetic pumps

stainless steel centrifugal pump


a equipe profissional para serviço !