High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
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bomba centrífuga de conexão direta revestida a teflon ihf-d

bomba centrífuga de conexão direta revestida a teflon ihf-d

A bomba centrífuga forrada com flúor ihf-d é um produto aprimorado da bomba centrífuga forrada com flúor ihf. O que é mais resistente a ácidos do que

67 lined magnetic self-priming pumps ordered by Russian customers are being shipped


67 lined magnetic self-priming pumps ordered by Russian customers are being shipped

lined self-priming pumps

lined self-priming pumps

The ZFT series lined magnetic self-priming pump is lined with fluorine plastic material, which can withstand acid and alkali corrosion. It is suitable for petrochemical industry, biomedicine and other fields, with a maximum flow rate of 60m³/h and a maximum lift range of 33m.


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